Why invest in small-caps?
The cold reality is that small-cap companies have much more potential upside. They’re not companies that most investors would’ve typically heard of and are a good deal smaller and faster-growing than the mega-cap companies that dominate local headlines.
Since inception in mid-November 2016 to 1 January 1970, the Lakehouse Small Companies Fund has returned -6.5% net of fees and expenses compared to -2.9% for its benchmark, the S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index.
Net performance as at 1 January 1970
Companies Fund
Lakehouse Small Companies Fund
The Lakehouse Small Companies Fund focuses exclusively on small, fast-growing companies in Australia and New Zealand. They’re not companies that most investors would’ve typically heard of. They’re much smaller, aren’t as widely followed, and have much more potential upside.
Investors should read and consider the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) — and seek their own professional advice — prior to making an investment in the Fund.
One Managed Investment Funds Limited (ACN 117 400 987) (AFSL 297042) is the issuer of units in the Lakehouse Small Companies Fund (ARSN 615 265 864) (Fund). The Fund is offered in Australia and New Zealand. The information included in this message has been prepared without taking account of the reader’s objectives, financial situation or needs. All of the commentary, statements of opinion and recommendations contain only general advice. Any person reading this message should, before deciding to invest in the Fund, read the product disclosure statement and seek professional advice. Lakehouse, its directors, employees and affiliates, may, and likely do, hold units in the Lakehouse Small Companies Fund and securities in entities that are the subject of this report.