Unit Price
Lakehouse Small Companies Fund | Date | Entry ($) | Mid ($) | Exit ($) | Unit Price History |
Latest Price | 11-Sep-24 | $1.6942 | $1.6900 | $1.6858 | Click Here |
Net Performance as at 31-Aug-24
1 Month | 3 Month | 1 Year | 3 Year (p.a.) | 5 Year (p.a.) | Since Inception (p.a.) | |
Lakehouse Small Companies Fund, Net ^ | -3.9% | 1.1% | 15.3% | -6.5% | 4.0% | 12.1% |
Benchmark* | -2.0% | 0.0% | 8.5% | -2.9% | 3.9% | 6.4% |
Value Add | -1.9% | 1.1% | 6.8% | -3.6% | 0.1% | 5.7% |
The Lakehouse Small Companies Fund invests in fast growing small companies listed in Australia and New Zealand. They’re not companies that most investors would’ve typically heard of. They’re much smaller, aren’t as widely followed, and have much more potential upside.
We’re also believers in backing our best ideas by running a concentrated strategy. The Fund will typically hold 15 to 30 high-conviction investments at a time, as we see little appeal in putting capital behind a 31st best investment idea.
Contributing to our mindset is: 1) our long-term time horizon, and 2) that very few companies meet our high standards. We also prefer to know our companies very well which better suits a concentrated strategy.
We consider the Fund’s divergence from the benchmark a positive as it is driven by our emphasis on quality and growth plus a willingness to take high-conviction positions. More specifically, at the position level the Fund is searching for companies that present the following characteristics:
- Strong positions in growing markets.
- Pricing power with customers and suppliers.
- Durable competitive advantages grounded in; scale, strong brands, network effects, or high customer switching costs.
- Aligned and experienced management teams with strong track records of capital allocation.
- Conservative balance sheets.
- Attractive valuations that afford upside to our estimate of fair value.
The Fund will typically hold 5% to 15% of its capital in cash, depending on the Investment Manager’s opinion of the prevailing opportunity set, and may hold up to 10% of its capital in unlisted companies expected to IPO within 12 months.
The fund’s objective is to outperform the S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index over rolling 5-year periods.
Name | Lakehouse Small Companies Fund (ARSN 615 265 864) | Available to: | Investors in Australia & New Zealand |
Investment Universe | ASX- & NZX-listed smaller companies | Liquidity | Weekly applications & redemptions |
Benchmark | S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index | Minimum Investment | $25,000 |
Structure | Open-ended unit trust for retail and wholesale investors | Responsible Entity | Equity Trustees Limited (ACN 004 031 298, AFSL number 240975) (EQT) |
Portfolio Manager | Donny Buchanan | Contact | [email protected] (02) 8294 9800 |
How to Invest
Direct investment
Investments can be made directly via a Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) application form or online by clicking the button below
Via a platform
- Hub24 IDPS
- Netwealth IDPS
- Mason Stevens IDPS